
Isn’t it incredible to be alive?

Take a walk.  Unplug.  Breathe in fresh air.  Walk through a creek.  Hug someone you love.  Hug someone you don’t love.  Call someone you have been meaning to for a while.   Show your children you love them.   Be grateful for such things.  Be happy.  Choose to be happy.  It’s more fun than choosing to be frustrated.  You work all the time, you don’t feel good, you hate your job, you fight with your spouse, your kids can’t stand you, you look like shit, you feel like shit, you aren’t good in front of people,  you hate your boss, your boss hates you.  What are these things.  What are these thoughts that you give power to on a daily basis.  Why do you let them control you.  Your mind is a computer and either you, or your environment is the programmer.  Absent of you choosing to your mind will let whatever stimulus it comes up against program it.  How scary is that?   Just watch the news, or listen to your “friends” complain…and bam….down that endless road called negativity.  But should you choose to be brave and become the master of your own destiny.  Well then….the world is at your freaking fingertips.   Believe in you.  It’s hard, it’s uncomfortable, but guess what we weren’t put here to be comfortable.  We were put here to grow, to challenge ourselves, that’s how we are made up.  We are literally movers and shakers, to deny that is to deny the very make up of our body and souls.  Give me the crabbiest nastiest human being in the world,…i put them in my class and take them through a Robstacle course and you will see them smile.  Why is that…because your body and mind crave challenge, and they crave movement….  Isn’t it incredible to be alive and be human.  We are the most complex movers and thinkers on earth  (we think)  Why deny it…you can’t ….just let go and get on with life.  I am so grateful for the position I find myself in everyday.   Is it easy….  Heavens no.  It’s not even close to easy.     “Don’t pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a hard one”

I have the strength, and I have the muster, and I have the ability to think better, be better ,move better, and I practice it every single day.  And I am thankful every single day that I have been blessed with my parents, my wife and children, my mind, my body and my community…..and I will do my best to elevate those around me for the rest of my life…..




Go out and Be Amazing….stop being scared of yourselves…..

3/21/2015 WOD

….she’s a good one



4 x 5min EMOM’s

1. 7 Box Jumps  ( Slow Mountain Climbers)

2. 10 Hand Release Pushups  (Slow Crunches)

3. 10 Thrusters 35/45  (Seal Jacks)

4. 7 Burpees  ( Breathe)


Every minute on the minute perform the exercise and desired number of repetitions.  For the balance of the remaining 60 seconds perform the exercise in the parentheses.


Good Luck….she was a bastard!!!


Thanks to the 9am Class for letting me fight along side them.  It was a pretty epic one this morning!!!



18 min of Movement
32 Feet- Foot hand Crawl on 2×4
16 Feet Farmer’s Carry on 2×4
and 10 Reverses with KB racked on 2×4

(5 reverses per side)

Continue through these three exercises until 18 minutes has passed

you can click the youtube link below to see an example of the movements….have fun if you try this one.  Slow purposeful and as always mind your movements!!!


WOD/ 3/9 and 3/10/2015






Warm up

Roll-10min/ Neck Rotations 2 min/ shoulder rotations- 2 min/ Lumbar Looseners- 2 min/  Walking Samson Stretches-2min/ Skinny PVC-3 min

Deadlift Movement Prep-  8-10 min

-PVC Deads

-Kettlebell Deads

-Hip Mobility




Well done on Monday.



“When Chuck Norris Swings a Sword the Air Bleeds”


Warm UP-

Roll-10min/ PVC-3min/ UP dog, down dog, child’s pose (lat Stretch) 6-8min

2×4 Movement-  Reverses, Tripod Extensions



5 Rounds For Time

24ft- Foot Hand Crawls on 2×4

72ft- Farmer’s Carry

:45 seconds Lalanne Plank

50- Mountain Climbers



Fun Last Two Days.

Keep in Mind   This weekend!!!!! look to the calendar….for the events!!!!   Saturday Bring  Friend Day, and on Sunday Recovery Seminar with Chris Nentarz!!!!



3/7/2015 WOD



Warm up

Roll 10min/ Childs pose, up/down dog, lat stretch focus-4 min/ Skinny PVC pipe- 3 min/ Lying Hip Extensions with, big PVC (KB Swing prep)


Active- 10 toe touches/ 10 Jacks    3x



Kb Swings/ Deadlifts

Sprinting in Place

Handstand Holds

Hanging Knee Raises  (strict movements)


Fun 16 minutes today!!!


Themes to follow or reflect on for the week

-being present when you move is paramount to reps.  Pay attention to your body, and improve on movements every time.  i.e., make this air squat better than the last air squat.  The goal is to improve movement patterns, not just do more of them.




Hope for the future and those around us… simple slight rehash of an older post…..relevant nonetheless

I am luckier than most. I have completely designed my lifestyle around fitness. I have to be in shape or it is impossible for me to do my job correctly. So that means it is easy for me to exercise consistently right…..??? It’s super easy for me to eat healthy….right??? I suppose to an extent it is true. But I think what’s important is to understand how long it took me to get to this level. I think it’s too often that people see someone who has made it to a certain level of fitness and they may think….oh he has good genetics…or wow she probably doesn’t even like chocolate. Take me for example; When I was freshman in high school, baseball first introduced me to the “weight room” from that moment on I always “wanted” a six pack, and veins in my arms….well fast forward 20 years later …and finally I have them…..but it did not happen overnight….I wish I could stress that, I wish I could have you all standing on my shoulders as I eyed a piece of candy, that I knew would only lead to more and more candy…..and feel how  I struggled to not eat it.  I wish you could visualize the back and forth battle it was…..”I can eat just that….it’s not a big deal”….vs “don’t touch that, look at how far you have come”….constant, relentless fight…..let me just fall of a track a second and say….sugar addiction sucks, but breaking sucks even more in the short term..lol….20 years it has taken me to undo what society, and my family put into me in the first 13 years of my life. Actually I once read a study that suggested that by 7 our eating habits are already firmly in place…that’s how early this starts. No wonder it took me 20 years to undo what was so firmly embedded in my mind… So why bring this up….I suppose because I want you to believe that it’s possible to be in whatever sort of shape you would like to be in, but you have to make the effort. You have to take on the responsibility….if you don’t do it for yourself you likely will never do it. Perhaps the only other “person” you may be able to get away with would be doing it for your children…..wouldn’t you like to be able to lift and play with their children (your own grandkids) one day? Ask yourself how likely is that scenario at the rate you are headed…and let’s pretend you who are reading this are doing fine with your health, as I anticipate plenty of you will be…then what about someone you know who isn’t going to be ok in 5 years, 10 years….what can you do today to help that person. Who can you put them in touch with to help change their life for the better? Do we, who are healthy and fit, owe it to the rest of society to help them get out of the rut they are in…to help show them how to be healthier,,,,and ultimately happier??? What do you think? Either that or live inside our Fit little box, with our fit little friends and watch Americas average waistline continue to grow….that is what is happening…how do we stop it…maybe you ask do we stop it?? Or do we act like a New Yorker…and look straight ahead and pay no attention to those hurting around us. I once posted that letting someone who is obese eat at a fast food restaurant is similar in my mind to allowing an alcoholic to have a shot a whiskey….that post offended some people…though I’m not really sure why. …I believe until we as a country are prepared to have these uncomfortable moments and recognize the nationwide epedemic for what it is…then I believe we will never begin to move in the right direction….at any rate it’s been a while buffalo…talk to you all soon..

Daily Reflections……working hard and finding happy..

Do more than is expected of you..

Believe in yourself rather than believing you can’t..

Let’s be honest, if you do not love and care for the person staring back at you in the mirror, how can you truly love and care for anyone???

Ok Rob…I give up….what in the hell do those statements have to do with fitness….or especially your Crossfit Box????  

In one word?   Everything.  I have been extremely fortunate to own and operate my Crossfit/ Movnat Box for over 6 months now and have had the amazing pleasure and opportunity to work with some some outstanding people from all different walks of life.  Everyone that comes through the gate at Crossfit Williamsville has to fill out a little visitor information form that helps give me insight into who they are and what sort of goals they might have.  It usually, in terms of their goals, reads something along the lines of ….lose  (insert arbitrary number here) lbs.  Tone up, get lean, get a six pack, etc…..you get the point..  Rarely does perhaps the most important and most telling goal pop up on that sheet…..  Feel Better.   Isn’t that really what it is all about.  If you find Crossfit Williamsville it is absolutely not on accident.  NO one has ever wandered in my door and said…..oh…I thought this was going to be like Curves… Quite the contrary,  while they may not know what Crossfit is, but for the most part they know what is isn’t….lol  it seems I have strayed off the path a bit, let’s come back around to why people seek out this wonderful place….it’s simple….they come to feel better, or perhaps to state it even more concisely..Happieness….they think I can make them happy…   They may not realize that, they may profess that it is all bout dropping 15lbs before the wedding….or getting that first pull-up, or being able to go up and down the stairs with out being winded.  But ultimately it all comes back to being happy.

I believe that the purpose of life is to be happy.  From the moment of birth, every human being wants happiness and does not want suffering.  Neither social conditioning nor education nor ideology affect this.  From the very core of our being, we simply desire contentment.  I don’t know whether the universe, with its countless galaxies, stars and planets, has a deeper meaning or not, but at the very least, it is clear that we humans who live on this earth face the task of making a happy life for ourselves.  Therefore, it is important to discover what will bring about the greatest degree of happiness.

                                                                                – Tenzin Gyatso; The Fourteenth Dalai Lama


I happen to agree with about 99.99% if what he says…so I thought I would drop that quote in there.  So…if I believe that most who come to the box are seeking happiness whether they know it or not….how do I help them attain it…..simple….good old fashioned hard work…coupled with accomplishment…..and with some serious  challenge sprinkled on top to boot….and I also allow them to become very comfortable with failure.  Failure…..I know what a dirty word.   The truth of the matter is failure is one of the best things that can happen to anyone…anyone…period.   Show me someone who is wickedly successful…and not only will they have failed dozens of time….but they will have very purposefully become comfortable with the thought of it….  As long as, after a failed attempt, we pick ourselves up and learn from it….no worries…..

At any rate there is an amazing amount of happiness and self fulfillment to be found in an environment that challenges you mentally and physically on a daily basis…and that is what I attempt to create every single time a program a WOD….

have a good evening buffalo and beyond

…go out and find your happy…..

Nutrition…How to eat well..

I have long been wanting to post on this subject. I’ve reread my past posts on my other blogs that spoke of nutrition  and must admit that, as heart felt as they are, they fell short of their intended impact.  How does one reach out to a populace that only responds to answers they want not answers they need?  How do I craft an article so compelling that those reading it won’t simply say “Yeah he’s right, but I’m not going to give up pasta” but instead might actually give it up for 90 days, and see how much better they feel.  People don’t really want to acknowledge that there are really only two ways to eat.  There is simply eating the way that nourishes our body or the way that poisons it.  Period.  How have we come so far from where our distant ancestors were 10,000 years ago.  I mean how crazy is it that we live in a society where our food sources are so jacked up that we need people with advanced degrees to legally prepare a “diet” for us?  Really?  I can sum up how you should eat right now.  Organic: meat, veggies, little to no starches, nuts and seeds, and a bit of fruit.   Wait a sec Rob, you don’t have any grains on that list?    No, no I don’t.  Sugar isn’t there either.  “But I have to have my sugar” Umm.. actually no, no you don’t…actually out of the three macronutrients (fat, proteins, carbohydrates)  Carbs are the only one for which there is no dietary requirement.  That means if you provide yourself with fat and protein your body can make all the carbs it needs to function optimally. What qualifies me to make this statement?  Do I have a degree in nutrition?  Am I a Registered Dietician?   No, and hell no….. to be that I would have to believe that you need to eat whole grains.  Here is what I do know.  I have never felt, looked, or moved better than I do right now, and it has been over a year since I’ve eaten grains or sugar.  I’m leaner, happier, have much longer bouts of energy, have lower blood pressure and let’s get this one out of the way, the majority of my diet is fat…..wow….is that possible…..it is.   But I will tell you this, I don’t eat things that come in a box, or that have words in them that I cannot pronounce.  And I feel super good about it.   So in closing be willing to look at our history, look at how our waistlines have grown steadily since the agricultural revolution started, look at how our fertility rates have dropped, how our average height and strength has waned…..you would think with all the great commercials about how healthy eating grains are, and the fact that the vast majority of our american diet is based on it, that we in fact, should be the healthiest nation in the world…right?  At any rate I feel I’m starting to go on a bit too far.  Keep this in mind.  If you are interested in learning more, I’d love to sit and have a conversation about this with you.  You can reach me any time during the day at the box, 716.560.7438…..or stop in and visit.  Let’s keep this in mind.  Exercising without eating properly is putting the cart before the horse…

stay healthy buffalo

a story….of sorts

A general manager and a personal trainer have a conversation, one of many, about how if “they” owned a gym  they would do so many things differently.   “Cleaner, better equipment, personalized service by the front desk staff” the general manager said.  “Space, look at all the space in here taken up by all the machines.  Imagine the things we could have the members do if there weren’t so many machines” the trainer pointed out.  They both agreed that on their own, they would do it much differently, much better in their minds.  The personal trainer, in spite of how naive he is, looks out at the main floor.  Something isn’t right about that, that can’t be all there is to “working out”.   His search began then.  He didn’t really know what he was looking for.  But he knew something better.  He found Kettlebells, He found Gym Jones, he found this amazing trend that was basically un heard of back then Crossfit?  Isn’t that where you jerk around like an idiot on the pull-up bars, convulsing until you get your chin over the bar??? That was what someone asked him back then.  You can’t do pullups like that you’ll hurt your back and shoulders, it’s terrible for you. Those were the words of someone he looked up to.  But something in it all made sense. It made sense when you took the exercise away and made it a task.  What task?  Get your chin over the bar as many times as you can.  How you do that, doesn’t matter, go.    CONSTANTLY VARIED….Never the same workout twice……even when you did repeat a workout it was so long since the last time, you had improved so much that it really wasn’t the same workout.  FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENTS … workout ways that your body was meant to move, deadlifts, squats, jumps, running, pull ups…so simple……so basic……..so necessary..HIGH INTENSITY  After all it’s called work for a reason.  Most of these workouts lasted less than 20 minutes…is that possible?  After being fed a steady diet of body part isolation workouts, and cardio for 45 minutes 5 days a week, how are people going to believe that 5 20 minute workouts will do them worlds better????  After all isn’t longer better.   In fact, no.  Then the personal trainer found himself at a crossroads.  He had two outstanding offers in front of him.  He was blessed by being a fairly decent martial artist and had found someone who believed in him enough to offer him a chance to manage a school, and become part of  a very successful world class system.  The other offer was a GM spot at an up and coming franchise, new to the Buffalo Area, open one, the part owner of the next, etc….at least 5 here the offerer had insisted.  He turned down the latter in favor of the former more familiar in terms of people he knew and trusted.  Over the next 6 years the naive personal trainer learned a lot, grew more than even he expected, and was proud to call himself a martial artist.  (a title he still isn’t entirely comfortable with)  He learned humility, training every day next to martial artists whose skills he was in awe of.  Trained how to teach by a teacher who was world renowned, and truly personified the word Grandmaster….Introduced to a system that for the most part emphasized truly caring about the client, and providing them with not only the highest quality instruction but also the most complete customer service experience in the market.  It succeeded.  But the personal trainer grew restless.  He loved the martial arts, but was not passionate about what he taught.  He longed for a place of his own.  Where he could again connect with the goals inside of him.  What was it.  What unified the jobs he’d done.  What part of them did he enjoy the most?  Selling cars, teaching Tae Kwon Do, personal training?  It was seeing the joy in people’s faces when they accomplished something they didn’t believe they could.  That realization.  It was awesome to him.  To be able to be a small part of their success.

It is from this place the Crossfit Williamsville was built.  It does not claim to be the  “be all and end all to exercise.”  What it claims to be is… Honest….hard working…..and ever learning…..and above all else…caring for the needs of the community that it will build.   Come visit the naive personal trainer sometime and see if you like the workout, the atmosphere, and the people.    All are welcome.

take care buffalo, best of health to you all