3 Simple Steps to Having your Fittest Fall Ever!!!


The time has come to grab hold of our destiny and take charge and responsibility of our own lives.  Let’s empower ourselves and have our healthiest and most awesome Fall ever!!

Step 1:  Attitude

If you haven’t already bought into the idea  that your attitude toward life is going to ultimately determine nearly everything that happens in one way or another to you on a daily basis then we need to get you there and fast.    Thomas Jefferson put it pretty succinctly

“Nothing can stop someone with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help someone with the wrong mental attitude.”


Have an appreciation and respect for what you want and how much your attitude toward everyday can literally make or break your dreams.

Now we Have to  Dig a bit further and have to focus on the attitude we carry throughout the day.  We have to learn to only worry about the things we have power over, and let the things that we can not control go in one in and out the other.  I know it’s difficult but we are trying to kill it in this life and the next we don’t have time to worry bout things we are bombarded with on a daily basis from the media and the break room.  We are setting ourselves up for our fittest fall ever!!!  We are going to crush our work, and then we are going to crush our workouts, and then we are going to crush family time, or time with our friends.

Action Steps for #1

1.Create a list of things you are grateful for, and read it twice Daily

2.Create a List based on your worries that you have no control over…and practice actively forgetting about them.

3.   Last action step.  Choose to be happy!!!

Step #2  Proper Nutrition

Books have indeed been written and are being written on this subject, but for the sake of time let’s go with this.  Eat real food that you have to prepare for yourself.  It is a good check that if the majority of the food you are eating lasts longer than a week, you need to revamp your diet.

That is about as simple as it gets..and I agree with it wholeheartedly.

Action Steps for Step 2

1. Clear out your cabinets of anything that doesn’t make the cut based on the lists above

2. Write down everything you eat, for at least 2 weeks, if not 2 months

3. Ask for help


Step 3   Proper Movement Plan

This can be a new exercise plan, a better one, a new place to workout, a better place to workout, an at home workout program you are doing.  The important thing here is to have a plan. Plan to succeed this fall.  Plan not to get into a rut. Plan to be amazing.

Aciton Steps for Step 3

  1. Develop your exercise plan
  2. Tell someone you love who loves you enough to help you be accountable
  3. Ask a professional for help if you are not sure how to go about it



5 Ways to Fit Exercise into your schedule.

Amy, busy mom of 4 Finding time to work hard

Amy, busy mom of 4 Finding time to work hard

Moving is important.  We get that.  Exercise is moving, but some of us have the busiest lives in the world, and there is sometimes not enough time, what in the world can we do?  Well here are five shots at you to try and let you have some found time, or reconsider the order of your day.

5 Ways to Fit Exercise into your life.

#1.  Wake up 30 minutes earlier than you do right now.

Holy moly!!!  Impossible.  Improbable.  NO WAY!!!!!  I’m sure if you like to sleep until the last possible second in the morning and especially if you have a spicy love affair with the snooze button every time your alarm goes off, then this task might seem impossible.  But there are a host of reasons that waking up a bit early, and getting a quick High Intensity Workout in will make the rest of your day absolutely awesome.    You will get an endorphin spike that will leave you feeling great for the rest of the day.  You will get it out of the way so that the rest of your day you know you are already taking steps to feeling better.  More often it’s an easier time to schedule that will not let after work duties get in the way.  These are all great along with the short term metabolic boost.   These are all great reasons to “Rise and Grind”

#2  Find a workout buddy.

Workout buddies are awesome, so long as they do not become socialization buddies.  Use your buddy to help hold you accountable, to motivate you, to inspire you, to pick you up if you need a ride, and even to complain to.  Some studies have shown that having a workout buddy means you are 85 Percent more likely to stick with a program.  So find your BFF for Working Out!!!

#3  Immerse yourself in the benefits of Exercise.

Subscribe to blogs, journals, blog casts, etc.  Magazines if necessary.  Human minds are crazy wonderful things. If you read an hour or two a day about the benefits of exercise, you will start to assimilate the mindset and suddenly start reorganizing your day around training.  Education is a truly wonderful thing.

#4   Stop Watching America’s Got Talent.

The average american watches 5 hours of Television per day.   I’m not sure I need to write anything else on this.  Fit in 30-90 minutes for training.

#5  Join Crossfit Williamsville  (or any other group fitness, likeminded group of honest and encouraging individuals)    Not only are you more likely to succeed in a group environment.  You will also be helped, cheered, carried, inspired, and ultimately feel like you belong, when you find a Gym full of people who will not judge you but instead will help you become the best you can possibly become.  Once surrounded by this kind of environment, it has been my experience that it is often more difficult to get people to take a rest day, than to not workout.


Thanks for the read.  Please find us on FB, and like the page and if it is your first time coming to the blog, subscribe.


best of Health Buffalo and Beyond!!!




the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness

Words cannot express my feelings of gratitude in respect to the year 2014. I am thankful for my wife, my children, my parents and friends.  The community at the Box is growing and moving and doing so well that I, in truth, can hardly contain my excitement for what 2015 promises to bring us.  There is no telling how far you all will go, how hard you will push, how amazing you will feel.  The PR’s that will be set, the hours spent sweating and swearing and gearing up for another WOD, or another rep, or simply cheering on that last effort.  It promises to be awe inspiring. I am grateful to have shared those moments in the past and am already feeling enormous gratitude for the year that is to come!!!!   Thank you all for being a part of it.

Perhaps this Post New Years Day Post could end there and it might do a better job conveying how full my heart is, rather than have me prattle on for the next 800 words or so (gross estimation).  And yet I’m still typing. (and perhaps more miraculously you are still reading) When  I look back on the year I am forced to  realize that the good times were amazing, the hugs the happy tears, the congratulations, the praise, the “atta boys,” the hand shakes, the kisses….they were so many, so celebrated, and indeed so amazing, but somehow those aren’t the ones that stick out in my mind, it is in actuality  the uncomfortable situations that are foremost in my memory.  Uncomfortable situations, code for  saying the times that I messed up….acted like  I shouldn’t….reacted like I shouldn’t…said what I shouldn’t..didn’t think things through….offended……hurt….upset….let down…made cry……etc….you put it there I am fairly sure that I was the cause of it, plenty of times throughout this year. And some moments were devastating, and in truth it is of those times, those rough uncomfortable moments I am most thankful.  Truly.  Without them I would not grow as much, I truly believe that.

When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure. -Peter Marshall

I believe it is in addressing these difficult moments, how I handled them, how I could have handled them, and indeed how I should, and plan to handle them in the future….it is only then that I will continue grow in a way that the good moments can’t possible push me to…only then will I be able to reach and touch on what my potential is….only then will I start Becoming Bulletproof.

I am a very goal oriented person, and have been for the better part of the last ten years or so, and I have been known to have lists of resolutions by the ends of previous Decembers….set and ready to go for the next year.  Some I have achieved and yet many others I have not.  Things like physical goals, monetary goals, family oriented goals….all well in good….I think in one such goal last year I even had a set number of people that I planned to help in 2014…..(how in the world does one track that) They were all good intentioned and all of, perhaps, very substantial meaning….yet ultimately….the good most of them…are crumpled up and tossed away a few weeks into every year….I suspect that most of you are no different.  In fact if you are someone that accomplishes all of your resolutions every year than you and I should  meet for some coffee sometime..I need to hear and learn from you.  But if, indeed, you suffer from your resolutions/ goals being far to big for you self to accomplish I am going to suggest something simple this year.  It is what I have committed to, and must say for the last 2 days has gone on rather swimmingly.

Know Thyself

Or put in a perhaps much more now time lingo  (now time?)  How about we just get comfortable with…

Be Completely Honest With Yourself

Let truth be the principle that guides your decisions for the year 2015.  We have become so accustomed to lying to ourselves, or family, our bosses, our loved ones, and most importantly to ourselves.  We can end it this year.  Look at what you “say” you want to accomplish and be honest with yourself.  Push yourself to do what you say you are going to do.  Back up the claims….stick with the programs, the workouts, the eating, the sleeping, the family time.  Stay honest, stay on course !!!!  I believe that it will only be through this truthfulness that you will find your best successes in 2015.

Important to note, nowhere above did I say anything about being perfect….or expecting easy….or thinking that 2015 was going to be all sunshine rainbows and my little pony reruns.  It sure is hell is going to do it’s fair share of striking you out, throwing you curveballs, and maybe even sacking you a few times  (this switching from Baseball to Football is uncomfortable I wish I would have the metaphor police come down on me)  But if you stay true to yourself, stay honest within the situation  I firmly believe that you may make it a truly wonderful and fortunate 2015.  So here is to your 2015, may it impress the hell out of people that write the history books!!!

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act

-George Orwell


It is the New Year.

My wish for all of you is to take charge of yourself and realize, truly realize that you can accomplish all you want and more, and understand how awesome it is that you have the power, in you, to do it.

There are times when this world will knock you down.  It will drop you on your ass.  It will leave you wishing that  you hadn’t even bothered to get out of bed that day…  And then it will hit you again.  That’s the way it is.  Accept it…but know that you were built to handle it.

I have seen people endure the unthinkable and rise above it….never looking back.  History is littered with these stories.  Stories of forgotten souls that were beaten to within an inch of their life, and for some reason they continued to press on and ultimately attained a level of success that literally changed the way the world funcitoned.  I won’t list examples…you can find hundreds on google. In fact I might argue that most of the people you see that have “made” it, have suffered at one time or another and then rose above it, and if that is true, then why would your road to success be any different.  That’s a comforting thought isn’t it?

Whether your goals for 2014 are health, relationship, or financially motivated (perhaps all of the above).  Know that they are within your reach.  Know that you are capable right now.   Know that you have within you all the knowledge, confidence, energy, intelligence, and motivation to make them happen.  You simply have to decide.  Pick who, or how, or what it is that you want, or want to become and decide right now.  Write it down so you can see it every single day…look at that paper when you wake up in the morning and let it be the thing that puts you to bed every night.  Create an intense burning desire around achieving it.   See yourself in that car, with that body, talking with the love of your life….see it so clearly that there is no other option for your mind except to make that happen…..COMMIT.

Do not let this year pass you by with forgotten resolutions, dismissed goals, dreams that have been laughed out of existence.    Take hold of your future and make damned sure that in January of 2015 a very different “YOU” will be reading this blog….

Good Luck Buffalo and beyond…

Stay Classy….