WOD 3/24/2015

“COE” 1/2
10 Thrusters 65/95
10 Ring Pushups
5 Rounds For Time




Army Sgt. Keith Adam Coe, 30, of Auburndale, Fla., assigned to the 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., died April 27th, 2010, in Khalis, Iraq, of wounds sustained when enemy forces attacked his unit with an explosive device. He is survived by his wife Katrina Coe, two sons, Killian and Keith Jr., and daughter, Klover.


It was an honor to WOD in Sgt. Coe’s name today.  My heart rests with the loved ones he has left behind.   The efforts put forth by the box today were inspiring and truly heart felt.



3/21/2015 WOD

….she’s a good one



4 x 5min EMOM’s

1. 7 Box Jumps  ( Slow Mountain Climbers)

2. 10 Hand Release Pushups  (Slow Crunches)

3. 10 Thrusters 35/45  (Seal Jacks)

4. 7 Burpees  ( Breathe)


Every minute on the minute perform the exercise and desired number of repetitions.  For the balance of the remaining 60 seconds perform the exercise in the parentheses.


Good Luck….she was a bastard!!!


Thanks to the 9am Class for letting me fight along side them.  It was a pretty epic one this morning!!!

3/15 and 3/16

WOD 3/15/2015

2 Rounds for Time
30 step ups
50 Mountain Climbers
30 Step Back Lunges
50 Mountain Climbers
3 Wall Walks
144ft FHC





Warm up

Rollout 10min/ Skinny PVC 4 min/ Hip Flexor and Glute Activation 3 min/

Running Prep Drills-6 min

Kettlebell Swing Progressions-5min


10 Rounds For Time
10 KB Swings
200m Run


Sunday was a wicked WOD, I had the pleasure with wodding with the 9am class and to further proove that I’m not super human found a way to tweak my left psoas during the very first set of Mountain Climbers, and since the vast majority of the WOD (lunging, Crawling, Stepups, Mountain climbers) required the use of it saw a very difficult WOD for me.  Extremely Challenging.

Some awesome breakthroughs happened that Day and Coach Amy did an outstanding Job with Coach Dan there to assist her, their attention to detail, even with me and my suffering foot hand crawls, was spot on. Great Coaching.



Today Saw the first Running WOD of the season, and everyone did a fantastic Job.  Hip Hinging and with it Posterior chain activation is a life essential skill.  I pushed the point home quite a bit with 530 and 630 class, and I really hope that everyone took away from it how important the ability to contract your glutes and properly extend your hips is.   With that being said….I’m throwing another Benchmark at you on Wednesday, but don’t let that scare you away from tomorrow…it is an outstanding WOD!!!  See you in the box!!!!

WOD 3/6/2015


Warm Up- Roll -8min/ Skinny PVC pipe-4 min/  Wall Sliders 3×8 / Bi lateral external Rotations 3×8

Active Movement Warm Up- 10 FHC/ 10 Deep Air Squats (mobility at bottom ROM)/ 20 Mountain Climbers  3x

Thruster Practice-  PVC then to Bar, then to Weight for WOD


-Front Squatting






Death By Thrusters    95/65#

With a continuously running clock do one thruster the first minute, two thrusters  the second minute, three thrusters the third minute… continuing as long as you are able to complete the number of Reps with the 60 seconds.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Your score is the last round that you finished all required Reps.


Crossfit, Tough Mudder, and American Ninja Warrior…….


It is happening. After a recent competition in which I was bested by 4 super ninjas, I had an outstanding conversation that spoke to what seemed to be the sudden uprising of physical events and fitness movements that are happening in our country. Now before you throw Captain Negativity my way I am fully aware of the statistics….69% of us are overweight, and of that 69% half are obese…and it’s not getting better, based on history….I know most of us eat wrong, sit wrong, move wrong, or don’t move at all…blah blah, heart disease rates…blah…cancer…etc… I know how inactive our population is and I know that people, that statistically speaking, our children will not fair any better…these are the things that I know…

….but here is what I Believe

.. . I believe we are changing. I believe every time I stand in front of an Beginner’s class at my Box, and tell them why we move the way we move, and why we were meant to be humans that move with POWER, and humans that move GRACEFULLY, and how we should eat, and how we should feel…I believe I can reach down into their very heart and squeeze it with nothing but words of truth…words that speak so much belief into their own hearts that they can’t stand to stay way they have allowed themselves to be… You should feel the joy…not see…FEEL the joy from someone who did today what was impossible for them to do 2 weeks ago….I tell you it is tangible… My goal is to infect my community with this feeling. I want people in Williamsville and then Buffalo to realize how good it feels to be BULLETPROOF…to have a body that is sharp and mobile, to have a mind that is awake and calm, and tolerant….to have joy in simply moving themselves the way humans have moved for the last millennia….these are some of my goals…and check this out…..it’s working……

….people aren’t just watching Crossfit, and Tough Mudders and American Ninja Warrior…they are watching thinking…I can do this….and then they are doing “this”…..and that…that is why I get out of bed at 4 am and leave my beautiful family to come to my second home…and it is why I will continue…to push….

I believe we are changing….I believe our populace is starting to remember what is encoded in our very DNA….I believe we are rediscovering the beautiful simple thing that is the human animal…… why not come….uncover your inner bad ass with all the rest of us….

….why not BELIEVE in yourself..

stay classy Buffalo…..

Hope for the future and those around us… simple slight rehash of an older post…..relevant nonetheless

I am luckier than most. I have completely designed my lifestyle around fitness. I have to be in shape or it is impossible for me to do my job correctly. So that means it is easy for me to exercise consistently right…..??? It’s super easy for me to eat healthy….right??? I suppose to an extent it is true. But I think what’s important is to understand how long it took me to get to this level. I think it’s too often that people see someone who has made it to a certain level of fitness and they may think….oh he has good genetics…or wow she probably doesn’t even like chocolate. Take me for example; When I was freshman in high school, baseball first introduced me to the “weight room” from that moment on I always “wanted” a six pack, and veins in my arms….well fast forward 20 years later …and finally I have them…..but it did not happen overnight….I wish I could stress that, I wish I could have you all standing on my shoulders as I eyed a piece of candy, that I knew would only lead to more and more candy…..and feel how  I struggled to not eat it.  I wish you could visualize the back and forth battle it was…..”I can eat just that….it’s not a big deal”….vs “don’t touch that, look at how far you have come”….constant, relentless fight…..let me just fall of a track a second and say….sugar addiction sucks, but breaking sucks even more in the short term..lol….20 years it has taken me to undo what society, and my family put into me in the first 13 years of my life. Actually I once read a study that suggested that by 7 our eating habits are already firmly in place…that’s how early this starts. No wonder it took me 20 years to undo what was so firmly embedded in my mind… So why bring this up….I suppose because I want you to believe that it’s possible to be in whatever sort of shape you would like to be in, but you have to make the effort. You have to take on the responsibility….if you don’t do it for yourself you likely will never do it. Perhaps the only other “person” you may be able to get away with would be doing it for your children…..wouldn’t you like to be able to lift and play with their children (your own grandkids) one day? Ask yourself how likely is that scenario at the rate you are headed…and let’s pretend you who are reading this are doing fine with your health, as I anticipate plenty of you will be…then what about someone you know who isn’t going to be ok in 5 years, 10 years….what can you do today to help that person. Who can you put them in touch with to help change their life for the better? Do we, who are healthy and fit, owe it to the rest of society to help them get out of the rut they are in…to help show them how to be healthier,,,,and ultimately happier??? What do you think? Either that or live inside our Fit little box, with our fit little friends and watch Americas average waistline continue to grow….that is what is happening…how do we stop it…maybe you ask do we stop it?? Or do we act like a New Yorker…and look straight ahead and pay no attention to those hurting around us. I once posted that letting someone who is obese eat at a fast food restaurant is similar in my mind to allowing an alcoholic to have a shot a whiskey….that post offended some people…though I’m not really sure why. …I believe until we as a country are prepared to have these uncomfortable moments and recognize the nationwide epedemic for what it is…then I believe we will never begin to move in the right direction….at any rate it’s been a while buffalo…talk to you all soon..