Simple… is not easy..



Do we dare to be better than we were yesterday?  Do we wake up in the morning, thankful that our feet hit the floor, and face the day like we are going to kick the crud out of it, or do we stumble like zombies into our “daily” routine, regretting the drive to work, regretting the day in the cubicle, only to look forward to couching the night away in front of the TV.  Is that what has become the best part of our day? I suppose that is certainly easier…that is certainly the path of least resistance.  But, to what end?  That route of movementless existence leaves us barely able to take care of ourselves in the end.  It leaves us as dependent on our own children as they depended on us after their birth.  It leaves us weak, tired, unhappy shadows of the human beings we once were.  Lucky for me I am part of something.   I am part of something else.  This community….this Tribe….this incredibly close knit family is full to brim of something…something I believe is lacking in a lot of places in this world.  This tribe we have is full of vision and hope and dogged determination.  We know that we will not solve the  problems caused by  sitting, by sitting down to exercise.  We know that human beings were meant to move.  We were all meant to run, jump, climb, lift and throw things.  We should hang by our arms, we should invert ourselves from time to time, we should move well, and have fun doing it. We know how it feels to work out with out moving, and we know how movement feels…we choose the latter.  We know what consistent training is and how important it is. We know that once we put that consistency into practice  how incredible it feels to run into a friend who just saw us 3 months ago, and see that their face and smile shows how impressed they are with how “different” we look, they don’t even need to tell us, though they do….  We eat that up for breakfast. (along with BACON)    We know that choosing to move now will pay off later.  We know that choosing real food over processed poison will lead us to not only leaner and more functional bodies but to feeling so much better.  We remember how it felt the first time we crawled..we remember embarrassment, some of us remember shame….perhaps most importantly we remember nothing but encouragement from those around us, and how no matter the amount of defeat we might have felt, there was something that compelled us to come back…something that dug deep into us and screamed  “I can do this, I am capable.”  At times we couldn’t even allow ourselves to think that, but then, someone else would believe, and that was enough.  We know what it is like to pour our heart and effort out amongst dozens of other people doing the same thing.  We know the vulnerability that it takes and interestingly enough the power that it gives.  We feel unstoppable at times and also nearly crippled.  It really is poetic.  We are broken in front of each other, and built up nearly every time we enter this “box” of ours.  Part of us hates that, but mostly we love it.  We almost always believe in ourselves, and in the moments that we doubt we find belief in others that helps drive us on toward our goals.  We know how unique this is, which may be why we treasure it so much.  We treasure it, but we do not guard it, we are open to anyone willing to put the effort in to be her.  We do not care how fast you are, we do not care how strong you are….we care how hard you work, and how willing you are to care the same about us.  WE DO NOT CHOOSE EASY.  WE CHOOSE BETTER!!!



18 min of Movement
32 Feet- Foot hand Crawl on 2×4
16 Feet Farmer’s Carry on 2×4
and 10 Reverses with KB racked on 2×4

(5 reverses per side)

Continue through these three exercises until 18 minutes has passed

you can click the youtube link below to see an example of the movements….have fun if you try this one.  Slow purposeful and as always mind your movements!!!

3/17/2015 WOD and then some


15min AMRAP


10- TOES to Bar

15- Med Ball Front Squats


Wow…was this one a doozy.  It was great to see the control most of us demonstrated with the handstand pushup scaled options.  Purposeful and mindful movement, those are the steps that it will take to get you to RX this one.  I think we should give this one a name?  Any Suggestions?   At any rate, I was pleased with the way we moved, with the absolute effort put forth until the bell sounded, and with the attitudes that met the WOD before we started.  Fantastic day all around.





6 steps to changing your paradigm on Fitness and Nutrition

Step 1- Train Movement Patterns instead of Muscle Groups

I cannot overstate the importance of this paradigm shift.  It’s not about your hamstrings, glutes, and quads getting a good burn,  it’s bout being able to squat properly. If you find yourself asking what muscle is this exercise supposed to be working change your questions!!!  Ask if you are moving correctly….that’s the golden ticket.   If you want to feel good on a day to day basis then you must train your body to move well.  The better you move the better you will feel.  If you are 65 years old and you have trouble sitting down on the ground and standing up without using something to brace yourself with then you have no business going to the gym and hopping on a treadmill for 20-45 minutes, sweating your butt off while watching TV and calling that a job well done.  You did nothing whatsoever except cause your heart to beat faster, and improve some of your  “cardio.”  And when you get home that night you will still have trouble getting down to the ground and back up again.  If you are indeed that person it would serve  you much better to practice getting up, and getting down, over the course of 10-15 minutes, along with some basic crawling and mobility drills to help you regain some reflexive strength and flexibility.


Sample AT Home Primal Movement WOD

Crawl Slowly for 60 seconds  (on your knees or feet) -Knees under hips, shins stay parallel to the ground (this will keep your but low, and back flat) move your opposite limbs just like when you walk.

Sit down on the ground, and stand up 15 times (try to not brace your hands on your thighs)

Hold the hardest plank you can for 30-60 seconds

Repeat the above Circuit for 3-5 times, rest as necessary, proper movement is more important than speed

for more ideas  youtube movnat combos  …  tons of great stuff on there


Step 2- Don’t Eat Dumb Sh@#

I’m not sure I need to go any further with this.  ?  What’s that?   You don’t know what you should be eating?  Ok let’s try this.  Write down everything you can remember over the last week that you have eaten that did not help you lose any weight, or feel better (long term) or get healthier.  Take some time and make that list.  Now walk through your kitchen and do the same.  Everything you see that is not “good” for you write it down.    Now take a look at that list.    Are you ready?   Don’t eat that stuff.  Simple right?  Just remember this.  Your food supply should turn almost completely over every week, food should be perishable…cardboard is not.  


Step 3-  Write down Everything you eat, Everytime you Move, and how you feel at night

You may start by not even changing a darn thing, but just recording everything you do.   Writing down your meals and your exercises will page huge dividends and ultimately reveal to you what you are doing  or not doing to be successful.  By a notebook and just start.  Just start putting it down on paper.  You will be amazed at the results and positive changes that come from this step alone.


Step 4- Train with as many positive individuals as possible

Group training has  become all the rage.  And for a great reason.  IT WORKS   There is no working out by yourself that can compete with sweating, yelling, moving your best and your hardest, absolutely dying through a WOD, and then looking to your left and right  and seeing 5-15 of your closest buddies doing the same thing.  It lights a fire in you like nothing you have ever felt.  The energy is palpable when you walk into a class environment and it is contagious.  It spreads like a wild fire and does not extinguish until the last athlete yells time.  If you have not experienced it you are missing out and you certainly due.


Step 5- Never Weigh Yourself again

Simple.  Stop doing it.  There is no valid reason  (unless you are a fighter or wrestler or some other competitor that needs to know how much gravity they displace) ….let me repeat..there is no valid reason for you to know how much you weigh, or/and especially for you to worry about it.


and last but not least


Step 6-  Believe in the process, and believe in yourself!!!

You deserve to feel great.  You deserve to look great.  Now, if you take the steps above…if you commit to being better…..if you decide now that this is the worst shape in your life that you ever are going to be….then I have to be honest to you…the sky’s the limit.  Take that step, take the plunge, drink the kool aid and become apart of the revolution.  Take your Body Back!!!!


hope you had a good read.  if you are local  (i e) Buffalo area, I will be speaking at St. Greg’s on Thursday night @7pm.  Feel free to stop in and listen, it will only cost you an hour of time, and as always you are more than welcome to attend the intro class at 10am on every Saturday.

Best of Health

WOD 3/8/2015


“Chuck Norris and Superman once had an arm wrestling match, the loser had to wear his underwear on the outside”


Warm up

10 Min Roll/ Child’s Pose, updog, down dog- 3 min

Walking Samson-2min/ Skinny PVC-3min/ neck Rotations and Shoulder Rotations- 3 min

Wrist Prep-2min


30 Jacks/ 10 Toe touches- 4x

Skill Work-  Full Squat Clean, PVC Pipe then SUper light Weight-  Just technique WOrk- 6-9min



6 Rounds   (will be timed, but the goal isn’t to go as fast as possible,   quality movement over time)

36ft- Inverted Crawl

45sec- Plank, alternating slow leg lifts

36 ft- inverted Crawl

10- Single leg Deadlift Toe Touches (5 per side, hinge and balance)

3o sec- Lalanne Planks  ( hold the plank, with arms as far in front of your head as possible,  Zero Extension..)


Good Luck and Happy SUnday!!!

3/7/2015 WOD



Warm up

Roll 10min/ Childs pose, up/down dog, lat stretch focus-4 min/ Skinny PVC pipe- 3 min/ Lying Hip Extensions with, big PVC (KB Swing prep)


Active- 10 toe touches/ 10 Jacks    3x



Kb Swings/ Deadlifts

Sprinting in Place

Handstand Holds

Hanging Knee Raises  (strict movements)


Fun 16 minutes today!!!


Themes to follow or reflect on for the week

-being present when you move is paramount to reps.  Pay attention to your body, and improve on movements every time.  i.e., make this air squat better than the last air squat.  The goal is to improve movement patterns, not just do more of them.




WOD 3.4.2015



Warm Up-  10min Rolling/ Bird Dog 3 min (extension/ flexion/  and when the leg is on contracting that glute)

3 min – Up Dog/ Down Dog/ Child’s pose

3 min- Skinny PVC Drill

Double Under Progressions- 6 min

Broad Jump Skills and Drills- 6 min

– whole body/ Extension/ Soft landing/ hip and leg preps



5 Rounds For Time

36 Ft- Foot Hand Crawls

15- Med Ball Crunches (slow 3 sec Contractions)

5- Broad Jumps


-if this WOD takes you less than 7 minutes you probably are crunching to fast, and jumping to quickly in succession

-take time on the Broad Jumps, and work on good form, and near maximal distance.

-crawl as fast as form will allow you

-be happy from the neck up



Daily Reflections……working hard and finding happy..

Do more than is expected of you..

Believe in yourself rather than believing you can’t..

Let’s be honest, if you do not love and care for the person staring back at you in the mirror, how can you truly love and care for anyone???

Ok Rob…I give up….what in the hell do those statements have to do with fitness….or especially your Crossfit Box????  

In one word?   Everything.  I have been extremely fortunate to own and operate my Crossfit/ Movnat Box for over 6 months now and have had the amazing pleasure and opportunity to work with some some outstanding people from all different walks of life.  Everyone that comes through the gate at Crossfit Williamsville has to fill out a little visitor information form that helps give me insight into who they are and what sort of goals they might have.  It usually, in terms of their goals, reads something along the lines of ….lose  (insert arbitrary number here) lbs.  Tone up, get lean, get a six pack, etc… get the point..  Rarely does perhaps the most important and most telling goal pop up on that sheet…..  Feel Better.   Isn’t that really what it is all about.  If you find Crossfit Williamsville it is absolutely not on accident.  NO one has ever wandered in my door and said…..oh…I thought this was going to be like Curves… Quite the contrary,  while they may not know what Crossfit is, but for the most part they know what is isn’t….lol  it seems I have strayed off the path a bit, let’s come back around to why people seek out this wonderful place….it’s simple….they come to feel better, or perhaps to state it even more concisely..Happieness….they think I can make them happy…   They may not realize that, they may profess that it is all bout dropping 15lbs before the wedding….or getting that first pull-up, or being able to go up and down the stairs with out being winded.  But ultimately it all comes back to being happy.

I believe that the purpose of life is to be happy.  From the moment of birth, every human being wants happiness and does not want suffering.  Neither social conditioning nor education nor ideology affect this.  From the very core of our being, we simply desire contentment.  I don’t know whether the universe, with its countless galaxies, stars and planets, has a deeper meaning or not, but at the very least, it is clear that we humans who live on this earth face the task of making a happy life for ourselves.  Therefore, it is important to discover what will bring about the greatest degree of happiness.

                                                                                – Tenzin Gyatso; The Fourteenth Dalai Lama

I happen to agree with about 99.99% if what he says…so I thought I would drop that quote in there.  So…if I believe that most who come to the box are seeking happiness whether they know it or not….how do I help them attain it…..simple….good old fashioned hard work…coupled with accomplishment…..and with some serious  challenge sprinkled on top to boot….and I also allow them to become very comfortable with failure.  Failure…..I know what a dirty word.   The truth of the matter is failure is one of the best things that can happen to anyone…anyone…period.   Show me someone who is wickedly successful…and not only will they have failed dozens of time….but they will have very purposefully become comfortable with the thought of it….  As long as, after a failed attempt, we pick ourselves up and learn from it….no worries…..

At any rate there is an amazing amount of happiness and self fulfillment to be found in an environment that challenges you mentally and physically on a daily basis…and that is what I attempt to create every single time a program a WOD….

have a good evening buffalo and beyond

…go out and find your happy…..

If you have not known failure

If you have not known failure then success means very little to you. Let’s get it out of the way right in the beginning. Failure is not, in of itself, a bad thing. Failing to learn from it is. For instance, last night I failed miserably at one of my muscle up attempts, as a result my shoulder is not as functional as it should be this morning. Because of that incident I can promise you that every subsequent attempt at a muscle up will be done with particular attention being paid to the fault that led me to hurting my shoulder in the first place (i did not keep my elbow tucked in tight enough) Painful lesson, indeed, but nonetheless I will learn from it, and in return will be stronger over the long run. It has taken me quite a long time to accept failure when I find it, and dissect it, learn from it, develop plans to prevent it from happening, but nowadays I tend to welcome it with open arms. I like to find things I am terrible at and get better at them, it is almost like a bet between me and my own body. (fun stuff right ) Sometimes I win the bet, often times I lose, but most importantly I always learn from it. There is the real success.

Accepting that your best is only enough until Next time.

Crossfit, by definition, should push you passed your comfort zone…every time.  When you step into the box, or check out the WOD online, it should leave you with a terrible pit in your stomach, questioning whether or not you should subject yourself to what you see.  It should test you even before you start.  Then you begin the warm up, sweating more than some of your Globo Gym friends do when they workout, you practice the skills involved in your WOD, and then 3,2,1, are off…..and before you know it, not only are you dying, but you are seriously questioning whether you are going to survive the workout, not to mention finish it….but somehow, even when every fiber in your body tells you to quit….when every rational thought in your brain is screaming at you to STOP… don’t.   Maybe it’s because the athletes around you aren’t stopping….maybe it’s because your coach is there, motivating, inspiring, encouraging you to not give in to that quitter in your head…..or maybe….just perhaps…you have found a strength inside of you that is greater than even you believed…….and somehow, now that you are only a few reps, or minutes away from the end you have found a renewed vigor….and all of sudden your next to last round is faster than your first round, that’s impossible….right?  NO WAY…..the only difference is in the beginning you were scared of what you might find inside of you, and by the end you are confident in what you are made of…….and inevitably the  WOD ends, and there you are…..for the most part exactly the same as when you started…except for one glaring difference….you have grown yet again…the same as you did in your last workout, and how you will continute to grow in your next.  That is why you  subject yourself to this…..that is why you drink the kool aid.  That is why, for some reason, all of your non crossfitting co-workers are starting to ask you what your WOD was before you annoy them with telling them about….they have started to bug you….guess what…they are as thirsty as you were….offer them a drink….and show them what CrossFit is…

I must admit, I feel honored and humbled to be able to introduce such an inspiring way of life to my Athletes…and I look forward to pushing them over and over again……as they, no doubt, will continue to push and challenge me.

best of Health