WOD’s for the week!!! 5/19-5/22!!! Spoiler for Friday!!!


Monday  5/18
3 rounds for time
10- Goblet Squats (KB) 5 sec “rest” at bottom every rep
8- Walk out to to planks 5 sec “rest” then walk back in
10- Single leg Deadlift Toe touches (5 per side)

Tuesday 5/19
4 Rounds For Time
50 Double Unders
20 Toes To Bars
3 Wall Walks

Wed 5/20

Experienced – 10,10,6,4,2,2,1
Less Experienced- 5,5,5,5,5

Thursday 5/21
12 min Amrap
72 ft FHC
72 Ft inverted Crawl

Robstacle Course

As we are lucky to celebrate another Holiday with our loved ones..


Complaints…..like viruses, seem to spread through our being once we give in to them.  Negativity breeds like rabbits it would seem.  I take pride in being very in control of my state for the most part, yet at times, on occasion, I will find myself voicing a complaint.  And then, if I’m not careful another will sneak in…then the next thing I know it’s as if I’m on stage next to Jerry Springer airing mine and my whole family’s deepest darkest secrets.  (perhaps that was a bit much)  At any rate, we are all subject to bouts of complainitis (could be that was made up?  as made up as my punctuation throughout my posts….)  At times we may even fly off into tyrannical bouts of it….yet as I look back on my state during those times, or how my mind is working I must admit that it is embarrassing.  Complaining is selfish.  Period.  It is my 5 year old’s way of communicating about something she dislikes.  For this upcoming New Year’s, among other more lofty goals, I’m going to refrain from complaining.  I’m not sure it is as therapeutic as some may think.  Upon a bit of reflection I think it only serves to connect us with a loser mentality, a victim mentality, a mentality that is not conducive to succeeding and thriving, be it in our workplace or our own homes.  So let’s all take a page from Tony Robbins this year and whenever we find us complaining about our life, or how long the line is at the grocery, let us take a step back and say  “ok..here is this, but what is great about my life?”  I’m betting that you’ll be able to come up with some awesome answers… 

you all have a good friday….



10 minute intense MovNat Warm up

Triplet, 60 seconds per exercise, 6 Rounds, continuos

Punching the bag/ Jumping Rope/ and Rowing

followed by

Heavy Front Squat  80% max


have an awesome Friday…