WOD 3.4.2015



Warm Up-  10min Rolling/ Bird Dog 3 min (extension/ flexion/  and when the leg is out..work on contracting that glute)

3 min – Up Dog/ Down Dog/ Child’s pose

3 min- Skinny PVC Drill

Double Under Progressions- 6 min

Broad Jump Skills and Drills- 6 min

– whole body/ Extension/ Soft landing/ hip and leg preps



5 Rounds For Time

36 Ft- Foot Hand Crawls

15- Med Ball Crunches (slow 3 sec Contractions)

5- Broad Jumps


-if this WOD takes you less than 7 minutes you probably are crunching to fast, and jumping to quickly in succession

-take time on the Broad Jumps, and work on good form, and near maximal distance.

-crawl as fast as form will allow you

-be happy from the neck up

